Sunday, June 24, 2012

Social Networking Sites

As I mentioned in my previous blog that there are several different networking sites through which we can communicate and share our thoughts and a lot more. Two of the most famous and most visited social networking sites nowadays are twitter and facebook. Both of these sites provide a platform for users to interact in their own unique styles. However, there are some restrictions in both of these channels.

Facebook provides an impression of more casual environment, the users can add each other in their "friends list". Whether we add a friend , relative or any acquaintance or even an unknown person, that user adds in our friend's list. Now we have the option to further classify them in our relatives, close friend's lists and create any other list we want, but all our "friends" can be viewed in one long list. On the other hand in twitter user instead of being added in a single lost list "follow" each other. The main difference is the use of 140 characters per tweet including the # tag.

Also, the main difference i noticed is facebook's use is more preferred by the young users where as twitter is mostly used by professionals. Different companies prefer to update and tweet their status,news and announcements through twitter as compared to facebook. Also the status update i believe on facebook can  more generalize and defined as compared to twitter. Due to the use of # tag twitter is a little bit confusing to a new user as compared to facebook, facebook allowance to post anything without restriction of words and contents makes it easy to use. for example people keep posting their updated day to day pictures , favorite music, status updates etc.

Twitter I believe provides a platform for constant discussion and thus more about sharing of thoughts rather than content. Because of the large traffic of tweets the use of # tag and @ to reply a specific tweet makes is more user fiendly. Nowadays most of these networking sites are pretty popular. Although most of the people don't like facebook outline , still they prefer it over twitter.

I like both of the sites, but I personally do not spend a lot of time on facebook and do not check everyone status every now then , since the longer is your friends list the more time you are going to spend on it. Rather its better to involve or follow a useful discussion on twitter. But at any rate both are very popular networking sites of this current age

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