Thursday, June 28, 2012

Creativity: User Generated Content

Innovation takes place in the presence of creativity. Due to current fast pace digital age when everything is user generated , the creativity is also at its peak. Through the constant user interaction in the form of reviews , blogs , twitter, Facebook and even status updates, users are constantly participating in brainstorming and creating new ideas. In other words all the users from all around the world are generating new concepts of new media.

An example is mentioned in the New York Times article "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Follower", twitter uses the users ideas and discussions and uses them in new features like the use of @ to refer to a person comment. Similarly Flickr emerged as a result of users participation. Similarly, Youtube is an example of user generated content and creativity. A lot of artist have emerged from user's participation on you tube. Creativity on these networks is collective and everyone anywhere can contribute in some way.

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