Thursday, July 5, 2012

P2P File Sharing

File sharing is the use of internet to share or send digital or electronic information to other recipients or users. Now a days its a common practice all over the world among all ages of people. Through file sharing information is only a click away. It is a very useful and major tool of current age of new media. Another form of file sharing is P2P or peer to peer file sharing , thorough which file can be shared on the save network and can be downloaded. Although internet made it easy to share everything and anything but it also raised certain ethical dilemmas related to copyrights and use of the shared info. That gave the rise to the implementation of DRM, as mentioned in the assigned reading from wiki pedia, DRM represents the Digital right Manegement law to limit the use of the digital information , so users can't exploit and distribute the copyrighted information for free.

1 comment:

  1. What do you think of DRM? Personally I think it's a waste of effort, and it inconveniences everyone except the pirates.

    I feel as though a lot of the "hackers" that crack the DRM treat it as a challenge, and they release it to the public for the heck of it. So ultimately, pirates don't get DRM and the actual customers that purchased the products have DRM riddled products.

    For example, some PC games *REQUIRE* an Internet connection to be played online, especially if you purchased it legitimately. On the other hand, pirate distributors have released versions that do not require Internet connection. Doesn't this seem like it only inconveniences the legitimate buyer?

