Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Next New Thing

The next new thing could be anything , it might have to do interacting with the 3D digital media, to at extreme could actually be a way to teleport through the existing media. It is hard to give description for now using the currently available resources, but I am sure we can achieve something like this. Well lol my ideas my sound at extreme but you never know.

P2P File Sharing

File sharing is the use of internet to share or send digital or electronic information to other recipients or users. Now a days its a common practice all over the world among all ages of people. Through file sharing information is only a click away. It is a very useful and major tool of current age of new media. Another form of file sharing is P2P or peer to peer file sharing , thorough which file can be shared on the save network and can be downloaded. Although internet made it easy to share everything and anything but it also raised certain ethical dilemmas related to copyrights and use of the shared info. That gave the rise to the implementation of DRM, as mentioned in the assigned reading from wiki pedia, DRM represents the Digital right Manegement law to limit the use of the digital information , so users can't exploit and distribute the copyrighted information for free.


With the rise of our dependency over the social networking tools and the innovations in new media privacy & Confidentiality are today's two main concerns of the society. The question now is what can we call as private? All our information is being saved in large databases online. In my opinion not a single detail of life is private anymore. Starting from our daily patterns of life from what we eat, what we wear , what do we do , when we go to work etc can be determine from the patterns of our credit history , our purchases, our internet use and so on.
With our increasing reliance on internet and our day to day phone data connections , we want to be connected to the world in some way. But in order to do so we need to compromise our personal information too. Through emails, twitter , facebook , linkedin etc we keep updating our statuses. Although there are various walls are in place to limit the use of our personal information that we do not want to share with everyone, but it can't be completely hidden. Also , the companies , banks and organizations etc who collect our personal information and promise to keep it confidential can change their terms and conditions in future and can share it with the third party for marketing purposes. Thus , in future i don't think nothing would be private or confidential anymore.